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Aftermarket VG Turbo/Actuator Warranty Exchange   

Please be aware of the following changes to Cummins warranty administrative requirement for all VG turbos equipped with electronic actuators, installed on on-highway applications, purchased in the United States or Canada on or after October 01, 2018.

All Customer complaints that result in replacement of a VG turbo or electronic turbo actuator MUST be diagnosed on-engine by an authorized or certified Cummins Service Provider in order for a turbo or actuator to receive New or ReCon parts warranty coverage. The Service Provider performing the diagnosis and repair MUST follow all Cummins published troubleshooting steps and Service Procedures in order to qualify a VG turbo or electronic turbo actuator failure for warranty coverage.

It is critical that Cummins recommended tools be used to complete the appropriate published troubleshooting steps for the symptom present to ensure that the root cause of failure is addressed by the repair performed. This prevents parts from being replaced unnecessarily, reduces Customer downtime, and prevents repeat repair visits.

Cummins analyzes returned warranty turbos to determine why they are replaced. This analysis has determined that many of the VG turbos replaced under warranty are actually not failed or have a performance problem as a result of an issue in another engine system.

In an effort to improve diagnostic accuracy of VG turbos and electronic turbo actuators, Cummins shall no longer offer over the counter (OTC) parts warranty coverage for Customer and/or third party performed repairs on variable geometry turbochargers and electronic turbo actuators. If a warrantable failure is identified, Cummins warranty will pay for all parts and labor required to identify the issue, replace the component, and correct any progressive damage from the failure up to the extent of the coverage limitations. This new administrative requirement applies to all turbos and actuators purchased on or after October 01, 2018.

Cummins reserves the right to review suspected OTC claims filed on VG turbos and electronic turbo actuators purchased on or after that date and can deny coverage or bill-back claims for any repairs if published troubleshooting instructions were not followed by an authorized or certified Service Provider using appropriate tools during the course of the repair.

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